Rational Scientific Theories from Theism

What's New on this Site

April 2009
New section on Beginning Theistic Science that outlines and explains the basic philosophy and ontology that is needed. Links to a prospective book of the same name, and a related blog.

May 2005
Files reorganised into new directories: many old links will not now work: see Site Map for a summary.
Separated discussions of consequences in Theistic Physics, Biology and Theistic Psychology

January 2005
Site reinitialised.

December 2004
New Approaches from Philosophy, Spirituality and Religion.
Outline of regeneration.
Body font changed from Arial to Garamond (slightly smaller).

November 2004
Link to the Higher Meaning website.

September 2004
How Purposes can be Powerful

June 2003
Article and talk: on Duality and Nonduality.
General index of talks.

March 2003
Article and talk: What are Discrete Degrees?'

August  2002
Written version of 'Quantum Physics and Spirituality' talk.
Printer-only style sheet to remove when printing the left common border, and simplify header.

May  2002
Reformatting of whole site using FrontPage 2002. However, the easily.co.uk server only has FrontPage 2000 extensions, so the top and side menus end up with identical styles.

March  2002
Review section
Books section, revised format for some books, eg. Swedenborg's Divine Love and Wisdom
Links to BibleMeanings.info

December 2001:
Online copy of the book Physiological Correspondences, by John Worcester

October 2001:
Introduced pages on the biology approach and affective stages.
Improved table of correspondences  and expanded the discussion of principles and aims .
Links to GenerativeScience.org
This What's New page!

July  2001
Creation of whole site for the first time using table-format menus

www.TheisticScience.org Author: Ian J. Thompson, Email: IanT at TheisticScience.org